
The Universe’s Top 2% Scientists-2024-JHAP members

We are very pleased to announce that 7 members of JHAP Editors are the top scientists in their research area: High Energy Physics and Quantum Gravity. They have been featured on the list of the top 2% career, and also at the top 2% for the single year 2024, of the world's most-cited scientists compiled by the prestigious Stanford University, California, USA. JHAP Editors who are in the University of Stanford's list of the World's top 2% Scientists are as follows: 1- Prof. Salvatore Cappoziello2- ...

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The Fourth JHAP Prize

The selected paper of Vol.4 Issue 2 (2024 Spring issue) will be awarded 40000000 IRR. The winner of this prize will be announced end of autumn 2024. The number of paper citations within the 6 months (excluding self citation) is one of the main items to select the best paper to get this prize. JHAP editorial board will select the best paper at the end of Dec 2024. The prize will be awarded to the corresponding author.

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The executive manager of JHAP attempted to unify Einstein's theory with quantum gravity

In a recent publication in Nature Reviews Physics (a high rank journal with impact factor 38.5), an international team of researchers, led by Prof. Dr. Mir Faizal, the executive manager of JHAP, has delved into unexplored realms of physics. Their groundbreaking effort involves integrating Einstein's general relativity theory with quantum mechanics, opening up new avenues for understanding the fundamental aspects of space and time.  General relativity explains the structure of the universe at ...

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2025 Prizes for Letters on Holography

2025 Prizes for Letters on Holography In the 4th International Conference on Holography and its Applications (ICHA4 2025), the first holography prize will be awarded to three letters on any aspect of holography, including (not limited) high-energy physics, astrophysics and cosmology, mathematical physics, gravity, quantum physics, Optics, and condensed matter physics. The rules are as follows:   1. Letters should be written clearly in English on any aspect of Holography and submitted via ...

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Welcome to the new Editorial Board member: Prof. Stefano Bellucci

In 1986, he earned his Ph.D. in Physics of elementary particles from SISSA in Trieste, Italy. Following that, he was designated as a Tenured Researcher at INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati in 1987. Later, in 2005, he was promoted to the position of First Researcher and currently oversees all theoretical physics endeavors at his institution. At INFN he founded and directs the NEXT nanotechnology laboratories, (in ...

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A new and significant discovery was published by JHAP

A recent publication in JHAP reveals that by using the complete equation instead of the Bessel Homogeneous equation, it is possible to deduce any modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) and generate numerous theories within the MOND framework. These theories demonstrate that the velocities of galaxies are quantized and that the universe undergoes oscillations, with cycles of compression and decompression leading to multiple Big Bang events and expansions. The study also establishes a holographic relationship ...

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The Universe’s Top 2% Scientists-2023-JHAP members

We are very pleased to announce that 5 members of JHAP Editors are the top scientists in their research area: High Energy Physics and Quantum Gravity.  They have been featured on the list of the top 2% career, and also at the top 2% for the single year 2023, of the world's most-cited scientists compiled by the prestigious Stanford University, California, USA. JHAP Editors who are in the University of Stanford's list of the World's top 2% Scientists are as follows: 1- Prof. Salvatore Cappoziello2- ...

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The Third JHAP Prize

The selected paper of Vol.3 Issue 4 (2023 Autumn issue) will be awarded 30000000 IRR. The winner of this prize will be announced within the 3rd international conference on holography and its applications. The number of paper citations within the 6 months (excluding self citation) is one of the main items to select the best paper to get this prize. JHAP editorial board will select the best paper at the end of Jun 2024. The prize will be awarded to the corresponding author.   Updated results ...

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Outstanding Reviewer

We are delighted to announce that Professor Dr. İzzet Sakallı, a member of the JHAP editorial board, has achieved the prestigious status of an IOP trusted reviewer. Furthermore, he has previously been recognized as an outstanding reviewer for both the Canadian Journal of Physics and Classical and Quantum Gravity.  

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The second JHAP prize

The selected paper of Vol.3 Issue 3 (2023 summer issue) will be awarded 30000000 Rial. The winner of this prize will be announced within the 3rd international conference on holography and its applications. The number of paper citations within the 6 months (excluding self citation) is one of the main items to select the best paper to get this prize. JHAP editorial board will select the best paper at the end of March 2024 (As the conference will be held in August 2024 we announced the winner with a ...

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2023 Awards for Essays on Gravitation

We are proud to announce that Professor Celia Escamilla-Rivera (JHAP editorial board member), and Professor Mir Faizal (JHAP executive manager) have won the honorable mention for Gravity Research Foundation 2023 Awards for Essays on Gravitation.  ( The essay “On primordial gravitational waves in Teleparallel Gravity” (arXiv:2305.06987) written by Professor Celia Escamilla-Rivera and her master student Geovanny Rave selected as honorable ...

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The first JHAP prize

The selected paper of Vol.3 Issue 2 (2023 spring issue) will be awarded 30000000 Rial. The winner of this prize will be announced in Jan 2024 within the international conference on holography and its applications (As the conference will be held in August 2024 we announced the winner with a delay in March 2024). The number of paper citations within the 6 months is one of the main items to select the best paper to get this prize. JHAP editorial board will select the best paper at the end of autumn ...

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The World’s Top Highly Cited Scientists List 2022

We are pleased to announce that there are 5 JHAP members and 2 JHAP authors who are included in the prestigious ranking of the most influential scientists all around the world. This list contains the names of scientists around the world whose publications are most often cited by other authors. The following JHAP editorial board members are in the list: 1- Prof. Salvatore Cappoziello 2- Prof. M. R. Setare 3- Prof. Emmanuel Saridakis 4- Prof. Mir Faizal 5- Dr. Behnam Pourhassan Also, Prof. Leonard ...

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The 2nd International Conference on Holography and its Applications

The 2nd International Conference on Holography and its Applications will take place a mixture of virtually and physically (Hybrid). The Conference will be hosted by School of Physics at Damghan University. It is organized by Damghan University and Canadian Quantum Research Center. It will happen 25-26 January 2023. The selected papers in this conference will also publish by JHAP. In order to register and participation please see

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Prof. M.R. Setare passed away at 50

Prof. M.R. Setare (1972-2022) We are deeply saddened to announce today that our friend, colleague, and member of JHAP editorial board passed away. He was one of the great physicists in the top 2% of scientists around the world. We would like to dedicate the forth volume ( to the memory of Prof. M.R. Setare.

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The memory of Prof. John D. Barrow

We would like to dedicate the second volume ( to the memory of Prof. John D. Barrow, the famous scientist who has introduced a deformed black-hole entropy that is used to construct a holographic model of dark energy.  John David Barrow 29 November 1952 – 26 September 2020

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The World’s Top Highly Cited Scientists List Published

We are pleased to announce that there are 5 JHAP members and 3 JHAP authors who are included in the prestigious ranking of the most influential scientists all around the world. This list contains the names of scientists around the world whose publications are most often cited by other authors. The following JHAP editorial board members are in the list: 1- Prof. Salvatore Cappoziello 2- Prof. M. R. Setare 3- Prof. Mir Faizal 4- Dr. Behnam Pourhassan 5. Prof. J. Sadeghi Also, L. Susskind, U. ...

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The 1st International Conference on Holography and its Applications

The 1st International Conference on Holography and its Applications will take place virtually. The Conference will be hosted by School of Physics at Damghan University. It is organized by Damghan University, Canadian Quantum Research Center and University of Tennessee. It will happen 9-10 March 2022. The selected papers in this conference will also publish by JHAP. In order to register and participation please see

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Read the latest article by Professor Leonard Susskind in JHAP.

See Vol. 1 of JHAP to read the latest paper by professor Leonard susskind about de Sitter space holography.

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