In the 4th International Conference on Holography and its Applications (ICHA4 2025), the first holography prize will be awarded to three letters on any aspect of holography, including (not limited) high-energy physics, astrophysics and cosmology, mathematical physics, gravity, quantum physics, Optics, and condensed matter physics. The rules are as follows:
1. Letters should be written clearly in English on any aspect of Holography and submitted via JHAP submission system in a single PDF file by November 20, 2024. Three winners will be announced at the fourth International Conference on Holography and its Applications (ICHA4) in 2025.
2. Letters must be 12 pages or fewer in length using the JHAP template (click here). The letters should be original research and self-contained, meaning that they have not been published before and are not under consideration for publication anywhere else.
3. All corresponding authors will receive an immediate confirmation e-mail automatically. Please notify the support e-mail address if you do not receive a confirmation e-mail for your submission.
4. The selection committee will choose up to 24 honorable mentions from the submitted letters. All of these honorable mentions will be published by JHAP ( Authors of all other submitted letters are free to publish their work after the end of ICHA4 (2025).
5. The selection committee will choose three letters for the prizes:
- First Prize: 1,000,000,000 IRR (or 10 days of financial support to travel to Iran).
- Second Prize: 700,000,000 IRR.
- Third Prize: 500,000,000 IRR.
6. The decision of the judges will be final, and no appeals or revisions will be provided.
7. You can submit your letter to JHAP through Just register via and then login via to submit your letter in the “2025 Prizes for Letters on Holography” section. Please include in the cover letter a note indicating that this letter is intended for the 2025 Prizes for Letters on Holography.
The selection committee members:
Leonard Susskind (Stanford, USA)
Robert. B Mann (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Salvatore Capozziello (Napoli University, Italy)
Stefano Bellucci (INFN, Italy)
Shahin Sheikh-Jabbari (IPM, Iran)
Emmanuel Saridakis (IAASARS, Greece)
İzzet Sakallı (Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey)
Bayram Tekin (Middle East Technical University,Turkey)
Celia Escamilla-Rivera (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Mexico)
Mir Faizal (CQRC, Canada)
Behnam Pourhassan (Damghan University, Iran)
Journal e-mail address: JHAP Editorial Board (
Support e-mail address: JHAP Office (