The following is the editorial workflow every manuscript submitted to the journal undergoes during the peer-review and publication. The entire editorial workflow is performed using the online review system.
1- Editor-in-Chief: All papers received by the Editor-in-Chief. If the subject is relevant, it will be sent to the Technical Editor. The Editor-in-Chief can reject a manuscript before review if it is not deemed suitable.
2- Technical Editor: The technical editor checks the Manuscript to ensure the files are complete and the relevant metadata is in order. At this stage, a similarity check is performed. The Technical Editor then sends the report to the Editor-in-Chief.
3- Editor-in-Chief: If the technical editor reports a positive change, the editor-in-chief will send the paper to the reviewer(s). Although selecting the reviewer(s) from the editorial board is preferred, the Editor-in-Chief may choose another reviewer(s).
4- Reviewer(s): Reviewer(s) send report to the Editor-in-Chief.
5- Editor-in-Chief: Editor-in-Chief make a decision based on the reviewer(s) report and send it to the authors.
6- Author(s): The author(s) can do the following regarding the Editor-in-Chief decision:
a) Accept (Preliminary Scientific): Should wait till receiving Galley Proof.
b) Revise (Minor, Major): The editor-in-chief should apply the reviewer (s) or editor-in-chief comments and resend the paper. In that case, the Editor-in-Chief may decide whether to send the revised version to the same or different reviewer(s).
c) Reject: Can make an appeal against rejection by sending an email to the JHAP editorial office (, or decide to send the paper elsewhere.
7- Editor-in-Chief: In the case of Acceptance, the Editor-in-Chief send the paper to the language editor.
8- Language Editor: The Language Editor will check the paper from the grammar point of view and send a report to the Editor-in-Chief.
9- Editor-in-Chief: The Editor-in-Chief will send the language-corrected version to the page designer.
10- Page Designer: The paper DOI will be set by the Page Designer. Also, the paper will use the JHAP style at this stage. The resulting file will be sent to the Editor-in-Chief.
11- Editor-in-Chief: The file prepared by the language editor and the page designer will be sent to the author (s) for the Galley Proof. At this stage, the Editor-in-Chief asks the Authors to return the copyright and conflict of interest forms via email.
12- Author(s): The author(s) have 2 working days to return proof. After that, it is supposed that the corresponding version is confirmed for publication. Author(s) should also return the signed copyright and conflict of interest forms via email.
13- Editor-in-Chief: After receiving the signed copyright and conflict of interest forms and confirming the paper's publication, the Editor-in-Chief will send the final acceptance and publish the paper online.