Microscopic Analysis of Nuclear Structure and Thermal Behavior in the Superheavy Region

Document Type : Regular article


Department of Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Basic Science, University of Mazandaran, P.O.Box 47415–416, Babolsar, Iran


Level density and thermodynamic quantities of 250Cm96 and 287Mc115 super-heavy isotopes are calculated based on time dependent pairing energy bach shifted Fermi gas model T DP − BF GM. Woods-Saxon potential is considered for interaction of nucleons inside the nucleus. A temperature dependent pairing energy is also considered. In order to calculate level density and thermodynamic quantities like temperature, entropy and heat capacity of 250Cm96 and 287Mc115 super-heavy isotopes, the level density of theses nuclei are calculated by considering the effects of nuclear rotation and vibration. Variation of level density, entropy, temperature and heat capacity as a function of excitation energy for under consideration isotopes are compared by considering the effects of rotation and vibration. Obtained results on variation of heat capacity as a function of excitation energy indicate well the Cooper pair breaking and cooling effects of these super-heavy isotopes. The novelty of this work is the discontinuity in the specific heat at constant volume for these super-heavy isotopes that are happen in the excitation energies around 2.5 MeV for 250Cm96 and 1MeV for 287Mc115 super-heavy isotopes, which indicates a phase transition from the superfluid state to normal matter.


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Volume 4, Issue 4
December 2024
Pages 71-84
  • Receive Date: 21 November 2024
  • Revise Date: 07 December 2024
  • Accept Date: 07 December 2024