Author = Leonard Susskind
De Sitter Space, Double-Scaled SYK, and the Separation of Scales in the Semiclassical Limit

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 25 December 2024


Leonard Susskind

Conference Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Holography and its Applications (ICHA2, 2023)

Volume 3, Conference Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Holography and its Applications (ICHA2 2023), March 2023, Pages 1-82


Shahin Sheikh-Jabbari; Elias B. Kiritsis; Eva Silverstein; Neil Turok; Robert Mann; Leonard Susskind; Danning Li; Dmitry S. Ponomarev; Sudhaker Upadhyay; George Georgiou; Niklas Beisert; Blaise Goutéraux; Ki Seok Kim; Yasuaki Hikida; Masahiro Nozaki; Anastasia Golubtsova; Xiaoxuan Bai; Laura Engelbrecht; Carlos Nunez; Andreas Schmitt; Veronica Pasquarella; Felipe Rosso; Yuya Kusuki; Himanshu Kumar Sudhanshu; Soodeh Zarepour; Ali Dehghani; Mohammad Reza Alipour; Saeed Noori Gashti; Jafar Sadeghi; Mahdi DehghniNejad; Leili Keshavarzi; Hamid.R. Mashayekhi; Shahnaz Taghieva; Shahin Mamedov; Narmin Nasibova; Hoda Farahani; Ruben Campos Delgado; S. Morteza Hosseini; Ali Vahedi; Ali Hosseinzadeh; Navid Kazemiseresht; Saheb Soroushfar; Syed Masood Ahmad Shah Bukhari; Leila Shahkarami

De Sitter Space has no Chords. Almost Everything is Confined.

Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2023, Pages 1-30


Leonard Susskind

Entanglement and Chaos in De Sitter Space Holography: An SYK Example

Volume 1, Issue 1, November 2021, Pages 1-22


Leonard Susskind