Electromagnetic properties of the N+γ^*→R(1710) transition in hard-wall AdS/QCD model

Document Type : Regular article


1 Theoretical Physics Department, Physics Faculty, Baku State University

2 Institute for Physical Problems, Baku State University


We apply the hard-wall model for the nucleon-Roper transition form factors investigation and consider the N+γ^*→R(1710) transition. The profile functions of the spinor and vector fields in the bulk of AdS space are presented. We plot the Dirac and Pauli form factor dependencies on transferred momentum square. Also, the spiral amplitudes for these transitions are presented. The hard-wall results are close to experimental data and nonrelativistic quark model at some point.


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Volume 3, Issue 1
March 2023
Pages 71-79
  • Receive Date: 25 January 2023
  • Revise Date: 03 March 2023
  • Accept Date: 20 March 2023