Inflation driven by Barrow holographic dark energy

Document Type : Regular article


1 Department of Mathematics, Techno India Salt Lake, Sector-V, Kolkata-700 091, India.

2 Department of Mathematics, Asutosh College, Kolkata-700026, W. B., India


In this work we have investigated the inflation mechanism driven by the Barrow Holographic dark energy (BHDE) in the early universe. BHDE is based on the Barrow relation for horizon entropy, which in turn is inspired from the shape of the COVID-19 virus. It was shown by Barrow that the quantum gravitational effects may instigate complex fractal features in the structure of a black hole. Since the length scale during the inflation is expected to be small, the energy density obtained from the application of the holographic principle in the early universe will be large enough to support the inflationary scenario. Using the Granda-Oliveros IR cut-off we have studied the inflationary scenario with the universe filled with BHDE. Various analytic solutions for the model were found out including the slow-roll parameters, scalar spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio. Since inflation is generally attributed to the presence of scalar fields, we have explored a correspondence between BHDE and scalar field models. Both canonical scalar field and the Tachyonic scalar field have been considered for this purpose. The evolution of the potential generated from the fields are plotted and found to be consistent with the observations. From the work we see that BHDE can be a model of dark energy that can successfully drive the early time inflation.


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Volume 2, Issue 1
We would like to dedicate this issue to the memory of Prof. John D. Barrow.
January 2022
Pages 1-12
  • Receive Date: 05 October 2021
  • Revise Date: 06 November 2021
  • Accept Date: 06 January 2022